
Explanatory notes for the application of the documentation system


The goal

is that as much as possible health wise threatened patients get as briskly as possible the required life or organ-receiving treatment with this instrument.




The tool

The fundamental tool are the numbered multi colour EuDoMCI triage tags.

These must be not necessarily immediately completely filled out. With shortage of manpower and/or high time pressure it's sufficient with the first triage process:

  • fixing a triage tag at the patient after instruction of the sighting emergency physician,
  • as well as the entry of the triage tag number and the triage category into the "documentation log: triage area".

In the further process of the employment the entries should be completed into the triage tags of the patient by the rescue squad and physicians.


Markings and notes

The triage tags of the patient are symmetrically developed on both sides a perforation line.


All markings and notes must be attached on both card sections of the triage tag or be supplemented at least before the cutting.




Separate the triage tags

The triage tags are only separated if the definite transport of the patient to the hospital begins.

One section of the triage tag of the patient remains:

  • at the technical operations headquarters or with the leading emergency physicians locally,
  • the other section of the triage tag accompanies the patient into the hospital.

No patient may be transported without one section of the triage tag!

All filled out sheets "documentation log: triage area" are transmitted to the technical operations headquarters.



All past editions of the EuDoMCI are among themselves compatible and can be used problem-free next to each other.

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 04 December 2012 11:17 )
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